Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer - Germany
COST Action "IS1207-11757
(COST is “one of the longest-running European frameworks supporting cooperation among scientists and researchers across Europe”)
Co-ordinator: Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer - Germany
Objectives: The main objective of the Action is to bundle and integrate the fragmented European research activities and knowledge bases about public sector reforms on the local level of government for the purpose of enhancing the conceptual foundations as well as the methodological rigourof the field in an innovative way.
The Action will provide a platform for establishing a new set of comparative (descriptive, explanatory, and evaluative) knowledge on local public sector reforms and for integrating the fragmented research activities in this neglected area of investigation. It aims to enhance the scope of the conceptual foundations as well as the methodological rigour of comparative public administration. The Action will prepare the basis for a systematic evaluation of local public sector reforms within a European scale of comparison.
This COST Action focuses on four core areas of local public sector reforms which have penetrated the local level in all European states and beyond. Belaboured in four Working Groups (WGs), these reform strains are (1) External and (2) Internal (Post)-NPM Reforms; (3) Democratic Renewal; (4)Territorial-Functional Re-Scaling.
The respective WGs (see D.2) will approach these core areas of reform in the following analytical steps/tasks: (A) Investigation of actual institutional changes and explanation of (varying) degrees of reform implementation from a comparative perspective; (B) Scrutiny of reform drivers/causes, promoters/stakeholders and implementation strategies; (C) Evaluation of (intended and un-intended) reform effects.
Prof. Dr. Riccardo Mussari is the leader of the WG II
Partners (Management Committee Members)
1 Renate Meyer, Austria
2 Benedikt Speer, Austria
3 Geert Bouckaert, Belgio
4 Ellen Wayenberg, Belgio
5 Reto Steiner, Svizzera
6 Andreas Ladner ,Svizzera
7 Michal Illner, Repubblica Ceca
8 Josef Bernard, Repubblica Ceca
9 Sabine Kuhlmann, Germania
10 Hellmut Wollmann, Germania
11 Isabella Proeller, Germania
12 Martin Bækgaard, Danimarca
13 Niels Ejersbo, Danimarca
14 Angel Iglesias, Spagna
15 Carmen Navarro, Spagna
16 Tiina Randma-Liiv Estonia
17 Ringa Raudla, Estonia
18 Pekka Kettunen, Finlandia
19 Jarmo Vakkuri, Finlandia
20 Gérard Marcou, Francia
21 Emil Turc, Francia
22 Nikolaos-Komninos Hlepas, Grecia
23 Theodore N. Tsekos, Grecia
24 Ivan Kopric, Ungheria
25 Annamarija Musa, Ungheria
26 Gyorgy Hajnal, Ungheria
27 Izabella Barati-Stec, Ungheria
28 Eva Marin Hlynsdottir, Islanda
29 Magnus Arni Magnusson, Islanda
30 Riccardo Mussari, Italia
31 Andrea Lippi, Italia
32 Bas Denters, Olanda
33 Trui Steen, Olanda
34 Harald Baldersheim, Norvegia
35 Hilde Bjorna, Norvegia
36 Pawel Swianiewicz, Polonia
37 Lukasz Mikula, Polonia
38 Filipe Teles, Portogallo
39 Filipe Araújo, Portogallo
40 Calin Hintea, Romania
41 Constantin Marius Profiroiu, Romania
42 Anders Lidström, Svezia
43 Katarina Roos, Svezia
44 Martin Laffin, Regno Unito
45 Colin Copus, Regno Unito
Duration of the project: 4 years
Date of Launch: March 2013