The MSc Programme in Finance is a two-years course delivered entirely in English on financial applications, models and solutions from corporate, economic and quantitative perspectives. The programme covers the most important technical and quantitative aspects of finance in regular use in financial institutions.
The MSc in Finance program is intended to prepare students for a wide range of careers both inside and outside the financial industry, including advanced corporate finance, financial engineering and risk management, quantitative asset management, macroeconomic and financial forecasting, quantitative trading, and applied research.
This programme is dedicated to students who have a first degree (or equivalent) in economics or in subjects providing quantitative and financial skills.
The MSc in Finance will provide knowledge in three main fields:
- Quantitative Area. Students study in deep the methods used in financial markets to price financial securities: basic principles of stochastic calculus, no-arbitrage principle and risk neutral (martingale) pricing, derivatives pricing, interest rate derivatives, stochastic volatility models, financial econometrics.
- Economic Area. Students are exposed to the theoretical framework of modern financial economics: microeconomic models for business and finance, models with asymmetric information and decision under uncertainty, monetary economics and central banking approaches;
- Management Area. Our fundamental courses will provide the knowledge to study financial behaviour of financial and non-financial firms and financial markets.
Moreover, regulation of financial markets will be analysed in order to learn how financial players are subject to regulation constraints.
The programme provides several international mobility programs at qualified European (Erasmus), North American and Australian universities, as well as double degree programs with the European Business School (Frankfurt) and the University of Ljubljana. More double degree agreements are in progress.
Admission requirements depend upon the first level degree obtained by the student:
- Degree in business or economics: at least 12 ECTS (or equivalent) in mathematics for economics and finance and at least 8 ECTS in finance or corporate finance.
- Degree in science (including mathematics) or engineering: at least 18 ECTS (or equivalent) in mathematical methods and at least 8 ECTS in finance or corporate finance or, alternatively, at least 8 ECTS in financial mathematical modelling.
- Other degrees: at least 30 ECST (or equivalent) in economics, at least 8 ECTS in finance or corporate finance, at least 30 ECTS in mathematical methods. A final first level degree grade of at least 100/110 is also required.
All applicants must have English language skills at least at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), as well as computer skills at least equivalent to the ECDL core.
Financial intermediation companies
Insurance companies
Auditing and consulting
Non-financial firms
Portfolio manager
Financial market analyst
Trader in financial markets
Financial consultant
Risk manager
Manager in financial firms
Financial officer in non-financial firms
Componenti del Comitato per la Didattica:
- Prof. Giampaolo Gabbi
- Prof.ssa Costanza Consolandi
- Prof. Claudio Pacati
- Prof. Roberto Renò
Referenti Amministrativi dei Comitati per la didattica
- Sig.ra Elisabetta Bottiglioni
- Dott.ssa Carla Galardi